Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 9

Another day spent in Denver. I had the honor of getting to go to the office twice today to exchange the parts that I couldn't get exchanged yesterday. After that, I went and watched Sex & the City 2 and The Killers. Sex and the City = not too great. The Killers = amazing. It was the first time I've ever gone to a movie by myself. Kinda weird. On my way home from the theatre, I realized another great thing about this summer.... I never have to worry about cops radaring me because 9 times out of 10, the truck isn't physically able to go the speed limit.

That's all I've got. Tomorrow I just wait for my Event Director to call me and fill me in on the game plan.



  1. So you are out for a 'Sunday drive' every day of the week? LOL Sure saves on speeding tickets! :-)

  2. Yep. Last night I saw a cop and out of instinct slammed on my brakes and then i realized I was already going 10 under and that there was no need to hit the brakes.
