Monday, June 14, 2010

day 13/shannon's summer project day 8

this morning we had small group bible study at a cute little coffee shop called the olive. we sat outside and there were flowers and birds everywhere and it was sunny......just a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l way to start my day =]
oh and i ran before that. um, it was a good run? no good details about that.
after bible study we walked back to the bahia (our hotel/resort-ish place we're staying) for a student-led meeting. we planned an outreach on the beach with a huge tug-of-war game and a huge ultimate frisbee game. after deciding who would do what, we gathered everything we needed and went to the beach to do our thang. the tug-of-war game was huge and all of the people who weren't participating were definitely watching. the boys won (boo!) but then us girls decided we wanted a rematch. our plan was to drop the boys. we played right at the edge of the water to make it interesting, so the waves were up to our ankles. however, the boys had the same idea....and they were faster about it. the boys dropped us and mostly everyone got wet. i mean, i managed to stay dry, but mostly everyone else got soaked. hehe tough luck i guess. :] other than playing games with strangers, we engaged these people in conversations and stuff like that. leah and i evangelized to a guy named junior (not kidding) and it was cool because he said he had never even heard the story of Jesus Christ. leah and i talked to him for over an hour, and he was asking questions and listening really intently to what we had to say. he didn't come to a decision, but he definitely was left thinking about it when the conversation ended. so that was really cool =]
after our beach evangelism/outreach we came back to the bahia and then went to the bus stop to go to the padres vs mariners baseball game. we sat wayyyyy up high but it was kinda nice because then we had a great view of the city and, let's face it, that's what all of us girls were concerned with. haha the padres won (i think) and lindsey and i ate the biggest hot dogs known to mankind. they had to be over a foot long and we were just dying laughing when we were trying to figure out a way to eat them without poking someone's eyes out. we laughed even harder when we tried to put ketchup and mustard on them because it came out SO FAST! we may or may not have made a mess.....but dude it like shot out of there. i have never dealt with so much mustard at such high speeds. intense.
after the game we rode the trolley/bus back and somehow a girl in our group (named laura - and she is soooo cool!) lost her bus pass so we had to be all stealthy so that she wouldn't have to pay for another one. on the trolley, the lady came around checking passes, and after she checked some of our group, she came to the next 4 seats where laura, lindsey, and i were sitting. laura pretended to dig through her purse while lindsey and i handed the lady our passes. the lady saw laura looking for hers so she turned around to get the people across from us. right when she turned around, kelsey casually dropped her pass on laura's seat before the lady turned back to face us. (this is hard to explain because it was much more intense in real life haha) the lady watched laura search for like 10 more seconds before lindsey was like "oh here it is!" and picked up the pass that kelsey had dropped on the seat. it was sooo hilarious. as soon as the lady was out of our car, all of us girls just started giggling uncontrollably.
lindsey and i started cracking up yet again like 15 min later when we ate these energy bars that the stadium had given us for free (promo) and felt like vomiting. we ate them, felt fine, then like 2 minutes later we just looked at each other and were like "ugh we shouldn't have eaten that. bleh" the rest of the ride we spent pretending to get sick. we're so immature. =]
when we got off the trolly and switched over to the bus, laura had to sneak by the driver without her pass again. luckily, this guy had no motivation for life, so he just lazily looked at us as we flashed him our passes and laura flashed him an old movie ticket. hahaha supah stealth.
by this time, lindsey and i were bouncing off the walls with energy, so we did some stair sprints until the bus came. then, on the bus ride, me and lindsey and kelsey sang some sweet jamz and did the appropriate dances to them.
when we finally got back to the bahia, i went to kelsey's room and we watched part of a south park episode about poop. meanwhile, everyone else was in room 205 setting up schtuff and hiding because it's kelsey's birfday!!!! when i got the appropriate text, i hopped up off the couch and was like "shoot we need to go to lindsey's room. she needs to talk. idk what's wrong." so kelsey and i went to 205 and when we got there, the door wasn't completely closed, so we walked in and the only light that was on was the bathroom light. lindsey walked out and tried to look seriously troubled, but that's not a look she can hold very well. she tried not to smile as she's like "hi"
nothing. so she tries again: "hi" (this time, her attempt at not smiling failed)
still nothing. by now i was bent over behind kelsey just shaking with silent laughter. finally lindsey just about lost it as she said, much more loudly this time, "I SAID HI KELSEY!"
finally, everyone in the room got the memo and jumped out to say SURPRISE!! kelsey obviously knew it was coming after lindsey's and my terrible acting, but she was still surprised by the number of people in the room. she thought there'd be like 5-10 of us, but instead everyone was there. there were like 5 people in the living room just hiding in the dark, and there were like 20 people who had been hiding on the balcony that were filing into the room. we had cupcakes and ice cream, we got our groove on and hung out. we watched some youtube, etc. it was just silly fun-ness. after ze little party we all kinda filtered back to our rooms and went to bed.
that's about alllll!

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